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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the bibliographic style standards and requisites described in Author Guidelines, listed in the homepage About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. In all cases, title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, Spanisch and English must be included.

The manuscripts must: 

  • .doc, .docx .odt or .rtf formats are acceptable;
  • must contain, at the beginning of the article, a title and the name(s) of the author(s) and their home institution(s); the complete address of each author,
  • contact telephone and FAX numbers, and electronic address;
  • must contain from three to six keywords;
  • must indicate to what Section the article is been submitted to;
  • must contain an abstract with up to 200 words, and a body text without limits a priori;
  • figures, diagrams, photographs and related material should be sent in .jpg or .ps formats;
  • the recommended notation for equations and other mathematical symbols is the one found in the RevTex package of the AIP;
  • The authors must provide the ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, at the moment of submission inserting it in the submission metadata;
  • According to the template;
  • the references must be listed at the end of the text by alphabetical order following the first author family name, according to the following conventions;
  • Use the American Psychology Association (APA) Reference Standards, 6th edition;


The family name of the authors should be written with the first letter in upper case and the rest in lower case, independently of being inside or outside a parenthesis.

For one, two, three or more than three authors:

       One author: Fulano, B.

       Two or three authors: Fulano, B., Beltrano, L., & Sicrana, M.

       More than three authors: Fulano, B., et al.


Books: Fulano, C. (1990). El Estudiante de Astronomía (3a ed.). City: Publisher.

Book chapters: Fulano, C. (1998). Estudiando Astronomía. In Marcela Mengano. El Aprendizaje de la Astronomía. (Chap. 2, pp. 13-36). City: Publisher.

Articles in Journals: Fulano, C., & Zutano, J. (2001). Enseñando Astronomía. Revista de Enseñanza de la Astronomía, 23(2), 17-25.

Articles in electronic Journals: Zutano, J., & Mengano, M. (2002). Cambios Conceptuales en Astronomía en Niños entre 10 y 12 Años de Edad. Educación & Ciencia, 14(43), 17-25.  Disponible en 15 fev., 2003, de www.scielo.a/edu_art&pid=S02-5453020010100008

Works in Proceedings, etc.: Mengano, M. (2005). Investigación en Enseñanza de Astronomía en Latinoamérica. Annals of Encuentro Latinoamericano de Educación en Astronomía, San Pablo, Brasil, 1. 

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