Análise das questões da prova de III nível da Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia e Astronáutica:
Contribuições da Epistemologia Genética
Ensino de Astronomia, Epistemologia genética, Ensino FundamentalAbstract
This article is an excerpt from a master's research, whose objective was to verify whether the questions of the III level tests of the OBA are adequate to the cognitive capacity of its participants. We categorize the questions from 2012 to 2022, according to the content and cognitive skills required in the questions, based on the theoretical bias of genetic epistemology. The choice of the level III test is because it includes children and adolescents of different ages and schooling levels (11 to 14 years old, 6th to 9th grade, respectively). This research is of a mixed nature (qualitative and quantitative) and data analysis was performed using Bardin's Content Analysis (2016). The analysis was based on the study of cognitive development stages developed by Piaget and collaborators. The questions were classified into concrete operational stage I, II and formal operational. Of the 157 questions investigated, 62 were classified at the formal level. This number is significant, considering that only from the age of 12 on average does the individual enter the formal operational stage, that is, 39% of the questions will probably not be successfully resolved by concrete operational students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roberta Bartelmebs, Maria Milena Tegon Figueira, Gustavo Iachel

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