About the Journal

RELEA is a journal produced in electronic format with open access to the public. It publishes original articles containing empirical research, theoretical essays and reviews of interest to the field of Astronomy Education, in portuguese, spanish and english.

The journal serves a public of researchers and graduate students from scientific education, teaching of natural sciences, pedagogy and professor courses in natural sciences/geography, active professors and other professionals in basic/middle/high school working with science education.

The objective of the RELEA is to fulfill the absence of a specific publication of Astronomy Education in Latin-America; to be a forum to show the Latin-American activity in this area; to serve educators, researchers and astronomy students, in all levels of education and to provide them methodological and content tools; and to promote the development of research in Astronomy Education in Latin-American countries.

The availability odf the RELEA on the WorldWideWeb allows an easy access to all interested (local and international public), sharing the produced knowledge in the field. The RELEA is classified in the Qualis System of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (Brazil) as a B2 cathegory journal for teaching fields, and as a B4 journal for education.

Current Issue

No. 38 (2024)
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